Missenden Abbey is easily accessible by rail, road and air.
Buckinghamshire has several excellent quiet cycle routes to the Abbey from Amersham, Aylesbury etc. The Abbey is on Sustrans Route 57. Details and maps: www.sustrans.org.uk
Line train Marylebone - Great Missenden takes approximately 40
minutes (2 per hour).
Underground - Metropolitan line from Baker Street to Amersham 35 minutes (2 per hour). Either taxi from Amersham (5 miles) or main line at Amersham to Great Missenden
Plan your journey with National Rail Enquiries Online National Rail Enquiries Online
Visit Chiltern Railways for timetable details or telephone 0990 165 165 (6am-12 midnight)
Missenden Abbey is 8 minutes walk or 5 minute cycle ride from Gt. Missenden station. Cycles are welcome on this service outside rush hours.
Travellers from Midlands may find the best route is to come on the Chiltern line from Birmingham Snow Hill to High Wycombe where our taxi can meet you and bring you to the Abbey (15 minutes £10).
road instructions to Missenden Abbey »
(to change the text size click View on your browser).
For traffic news and route planning visit the AA and RAC
Detailed map of Great Missenden »
EITHER catch the Heathrow Express (every 10 minutes) for the 25 minute
journey to Paddington, get a taxi (5 minutes) to Marylebone, and catch
the half-hourly train direct to Great Missenden (40 minutes)
OR call us and we will arrange for the local taxi to meet your flight (40 minutes)
Luton: call us and we will arrange for the local taxi to meet your flight (40 minutes)
Taxi fare will be about £45-50 from either airport