A new version of our ground-breaking intensive four day programme to enable twelve aspiring research academics to learn new skills and generate fresh insights and inspiration through teamwork and engagement.
Participants will be sponsored by their institution to discover the essential features of the demanding process of preparing a successful research funding application. This intensive programme – residential at Missenden Abbey – has been created for early career academic staff with an ambition to be research pioneers and proficient at obtaining research funding.
The Masterclasses, to be led by John Wakeford, have been developed from the popular individual seminas and clinics we have run at Missenden Abbey and in-house at more than 75 universities over the last 30 years. They have proved effective in helping and advising academic staff to develop successful careers.
They cover the key issues for new lecturers wanting to gain inspiration and craft skills for their future research profile and to recast their ideas to attract funding from Research Councils and charities. They are designed to develop expertise through a comprehensive programme of hands-on learning and shared experience culminating in the creation of a draft of a fully worked out bid for funding.
We will offer detailed advice and coaching on successive drafts, and hands-on development of writing skills. Working in small teams and task-oriented workshops each participant will be able to draw on the insights of successful colleagues over five days in the glorious setting of Missenden Abbey deep in the Chilterns with home-cooked food, a croquet lawn and free internet provided.
'incredibly valuable' Gabriel Reedy,
KCL, May 2014
'extremely useful' Nicola Abbott, Canterbury Christ
Church University, May 2014
Each participant is invited to bring an idea for a research
project to be reworked during the sessions. By the end of the week they
will have a draft of a bid for submission to a funding body.